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Happiness from good health with the object. Raw materials are selected from nature to send. Happy to everyone in the family. and the person you loved.

Rubber Part Manufacturing Full-service provider of design and manufacturing rubber molded part.

"Mabin, the professional's choice." For over 50 years, Thai Roong Rueng Chili Sauce Co., Ltd. has been in business from generation to generation until now.

Research and develop Business App of all dimensions.

Green Innovative Biotechnology Company Limited or G.I.B. Research and Development was established with emphasis on researching and developing products for plants growing as well as being a manufacturer of fertilizer and plant vaccine. โรงงานผลิตปุ๋ยและวัคซีนสำหรับพืช (Green Innovative Biotechnology) หรือ G.I.B. Research and Development ขึ้นโดยมุ่งเน้นเรื่องการวิจัย และพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์สำหรับการปลูกพืช เมื่อนำไปใช้แล้ว ไม่มีสารพิษตกค้าง โดยมุ่งเน้นการใช้วัตถุดิบจากธรรมชาติ ผ่านกระบวนการผลิตที่ปลอดภัยต่อเกษตรกร ปลอดภัยต่อผู้บริโภค และปลอดภัยต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม


COTCO PLASTICS CO., LTD. manufactures and distribute artificial leather, PVC sheet/film under BOI Promotional Privileges by using effective CALENDERING and COATING techniques.

Coconut "Thap Sakae" is the best source of coconut and quality.

Essence Serum Water Slap, Amino Essence, Facial Serum, Nano Emulsion Technology, 100% Natural Extracts, Ozone Soap, Facial Soap, Soap to cure freckles, acne soap, silk cocoon soap, soap with collagen filling, lifting, cellulite reduction soap. Amino Essence, Essence Serum, Facial Serum, Nano Emulsion technology, 100% natural skincare, Ozone soap, Facial soap wash, Soap wash for Freckles, Acne Soap wash, Cocoon extract soap, Collagen soap wash, Cellulite soap wash.

“Determine to be number one of corrugated products for the customers while continuously moving forward and being responsible to the society and environment”
Showing 1-10 of 19 results.
Design and Manufacturing Rubber Molded Part

Manufacturing high performance and specialize in design of rubber parts. Rubber molded component of various material products, including design and manufacturing rubber mold through the creation of prototypes and mass production of dies.


IODERM always takes pride in our unique formula which is the result of not only our strive and commitment to research and development for the best possible outcome but also the dedication of our team of skillful specialists whose experience and expertise of over 40 years could assure you the quality and attentiveness throughout the production process.

Showing 1-3 of 3 results.